Policy Reminder: Contact Procedure for Reporting a Drill Absence

The staff wants to remind Young Marines, recruits, and their parents what the contact procedure is for reporting a drill absence. It’s included below for your convenience:

Even though drill is mandatory, we understand there are circumstances when a Young Marine can not attend. School/family activities, illnesses, emergencies, etc. are all considered excused absences as long as we are notified in advance. Therefore, if a Young Marine or recruit will not be present at drill, please send an email to attendance@glcyoungmarines.org prior to the start of drill. We have provided the email link on every drill post on our calendar for your convenience.

Please note this email is to be used for drill attendance unless otherwise stated. Events such as parades, community service opportunities, etc. will have a different point of contact which will be noted when the event is posted on our website.

Young Marines/recruits who are absent from drill and do not follow this policy will receive an unexcused absence for that day. When it comes time to select Young Marines for special unit events, special activities, and trips, those who attend drill and/or have excused absences will be given priority over those who do not.